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We invite you to Design a Pumpkin to be displayed along Eling Boardwalk during the October half term


  • Free to enter


  • Pumpkins are to be no bigger than A4 size and in 2D


  • They can be of any design


  • No dangly attachments please


  • You can enter as an Individual, Group, Class, School etc.


  • Prize for best pumpkin.


  • All pumpkins are to be registered with us. We ask you not to display them yourself, but to deliver them to us in the John Chandler room on Thursday 24th or  Friday 25th October between 1pm and 4pm leaving your name and age. An entry sheet containing a waiver against loss and/or damage to be signed by parents/legal guardians/ adult in charge.

Protection is considered

by many to be around


us at all times!
(although we may not be aware).


From the solstice of our homes to police officers on the streets, protection from the cold through our homes and crime through the police exists. 


Protection has been and is considered to be provided via spiritual realms with many ancient traditions and cultural norms still practiced today.


This event will highlight and explore how people through the ages protected themselves – this could be for good crops, from bad weather, curses, witches and evil spirits and how people protect ourselves today!


This is a small venue with limited space, as such there are limited tickets.


Tickets can be purchased from the mill cafe in advance - £5 each. 

Suitable for age 11+. All children to be accompanied by an adult.

Please see below future events and up to date news at Eling Tide Mill
Christmas Events at ETME
More Details to follow


Check out the many reviews for the Eling Tide Mill Experience
on Tripadvisor, below:


2019 Trip Advisor Certificate_edited.jpg
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